sourceforge project page - rule-based mesh growing


Vecmath is a comprehensive library for vector arithmetics. Its written in C# and its main focus is on computer graphics applications.


All types are named using the following scheme: Name<dim><type>

  2-dimensional 3-dimensional
  double float long int double float long int
point Pnt2D Pnt2F     Pnt3D Pnt3F    
vector Vec2D Vec2F Vec2L Vec2I Vec3D Vec3F    
ray Ray2D Ray2F     Ray3D Ray3F    
box Box2D Box2F     Box3D Box3F    
translation Shift2D Shift2F     Shift3D Shift3F    
scale Scale2D Scale2F     Scale3D Scale3F    
rotation Rot2D Rot2F     Rot3D Rot3F    
general transformation Trafo2D Trafo2F     Trafo3D Trafo3F    

Example: A 2-dim point at coordinates p(10,17) should be rotated 90 degrees ccw, with the center of rotation at coordinates c(7,3).

Pnt2D p = new Pnt2D(10, 17);
Pnt2D c = new Pnt2D(7,3);
Trafo2D transform =
      new Shift2D(-c)            // shift center of rotation to origin
    * new Rot2D(Math.PI / 2.0)   // rotate
    * new Shift2D(c)             // shift back

Pnt2D p_transformed = p * transform;

System.Console.WriteLine("p: " + p);
System.Console.WriteLine("c: " + c);
System.Console.WriteLine("result: " + p_transformed);
p: Pnt2D(10, 17)
c: Pnt2D(7, 3)
result: Pnt2D(-7, 6)